PC-8001 Documentation

Memory Map

0x0000-0x5FFF N-BASIC ROM
0x6000-0x7FFF Expansion ROM (optional)
0x8000-0xBFFF Expansion RAM (optional)
0xC000-0xFFFF RAM

I/O Map

0x00 R Keyboard Input Row 0
0x01 R Keyboard Input Row 1
0x02 R Keyboard Input Row 2
0x03 R Keyboard Input Row 3
0x04 R Keyboard Input Row 4
0x05 R Keyboard Input Row 5
0x06 R Keyboard Input Row 6
0x07 R Keyboard Input Row 7
0x08 R Keyboard Input Row 8
0x09 R Keyboard Input Row 9
0x10 W Printer/μPD1990(RTC) Data
0x11-0x1F W Mirror of 0x10
0x20 RW μPD8251(USART) Data
0x21 RW μPD8251(USART) Command/Status
0x22-0x2F RW Mirror of 0x20 (even addresses) and 0x21 (odd addresses)
0x30 W Cassette Deck Control, CRT Resolution/Colour
0x31-0x3F W Mirror of 0x30
0x40 RW BEEP, RTC, Printer, CRT, CMT Control/Status
0x41-0x4F RW Mirror of 0x40
0x50 RW μPD3301(CRT) Parameter
0x51 RW μPD3301(CRT) Command
0x60 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 0(Expansion Slot Bus) Address
0x61 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 0(Expansion Slot Bus) Counter
0x62 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 1(Expansion Slot Bus) Address
0x63 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 1(Expansion Slot Bus) Counter
0x64 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 2(VRAM) Address
0x65 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 2(VRAM) Counter
0x66 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 3(Unused) Address
0x67 RW μPD8257(DMA) Channel 3(Unused) Counter
0x68 RW μPD8257(DMA) Mode/Status


Keyboard Layout

The following table describes the keyboard matrix's layout. Highlighted values correspond to numpad keys.

  Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Port 0x00 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Port 0x01 RETURN . , = + * 9 8
Port 0x02 G F E D C B A @
Port 0x03 O N M L K J I H
Port 0x04 W V U T S R Q P
Port 0x05 = ^ ] ¥ [ Z Y X
Port 0x06 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Port 0x07 - / > < + * 1 0
Port 0x08 CTRL SHIFT カナ(Kana) GRPH INS/DEL ←/→ ↑/↓ HOME/CLR
Port 0x09 ESC Space f·5 f·4 f·3 f·2 f·1 STOP